Need to cancel?

Once purchased, webinars are nonrefundable. If your refund request is due to a scheduling conflict, contact us for assistance with a link to the recording.

The webinar technology didn’t work. Can you get a refund?

Before purchasing a Webinar please contact LogMeIn by calling (888) 646-0014 or visit the LogMeIn’s support page. Most technological glitches can be traced to your company’s firewalls, security settings, or other network issues. Please work with LogMeIn and your I.T. Department to resolve these issues in advance. If technical glitches prevent access to the live webinar, access to a recording will be granted. Contact hours are still available to the purchaser with the completion of an evaluation form within this 30-day window. If you must cancel, an administrative fee will be deducted from your refund.

Unhappy with the content of the webinar?

Please submit comments on the evaluation form and/or use the feedback form at the end of the webinar. Depending on feedback from all participants, refunds may be considered on a case-by-case basis. Any decision to offer a refund is strictly at Innovative Global Vision’s discretion.

What if you have a scheduling conflict?

We understand plans can change. Scheduling conflicts may include unexpected meetings or other work obligations, absence from the usual workplace, personal or family illness, jury duty, etc. In these cases, requests for access to the recording will be accepted after the webinar has occurred. The recording is available the next day and for 30 days after the webinar has concluded. Contact hours are still available to the purchaser with the completion of an evaluation form within this 30-day window. At this time it is not possible to transfer a registration from one person to another.

In case of death in the family, unexpected call to military duty, state or national emergency, or natural disaster, every attempt will be made to accommodate the purchaser and/or group. In most cases, access to a recording will be granted.